How to move from LastPass to Bitwarden in ten minutes
LastPass recently changed their products and pricing. For those in search of an alternative, switching to Bitwarden can be done surprisingly quickly. This is a quick summary of how I moved all my password data and set up autocomplete on my iPhone in a few minutes.
Snow removal tasks as a kanban board
Copy-able public kanban board that captures snow removal tasks for what I reckon is a typical single-family dwelling with a driveway and/or sidewalk in North America.
Rubber Ducking: Transitional ESLint Configs
My guest appearance on the Rubber Ducking podcast with Chris Schmitz and Spencer Miskiovak
A low-friction way to do TDD with React
Use React Testing Library if you like to write the tests first.
Using Git to run ESLint on changed files in a feature branch
TIL how to run static analysis only on files that have been changed in a feature branch, and it's helping us roll out new rules with minimal disruption.
Pop-Punk: a vim color scheme
A brief introduction of my first vim color scheme
Principles for an Effective Distributed Team
It's 2020 and people work from home. These principles have helped my teammates and I do good work together despite not being colocated.
Methodical UI: removing frustration from HTML and CSS development
A 7-step process for removing frustration from the process of developing UIs with HTML and CSS.
Hillel Wayne: Modeling Redux with TLA+
Hillel Wayne wrote this excellent and instructive piece that helps us grok TLA+ by implementing a Redux clone in that language
Gino's East Deep Dish Pizza Imitation Recipe
After months of experimenting, I share my recipe for a faithful interpretation of Gino's East deep dish pizza